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Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
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Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)

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A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8617 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2023/2024, letnik XI, št. II - pdf. (2024, playbill)

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Salt of the Earth, The (2014)
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925)
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Nostalghia (1983)
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eKumba Index

(Slov. animacija)

1-2-3 (animated short, 1955)
5 for 4 (animated short, 1942)
7 Till 5 (short documentary, 1933)
A Is for Autism (animated short, 1992)
Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, Die (animated feature, 1926)
Adela ješte nevečerela (animated short, 1977)
Adjustment (animated short, 2006)
Akcioneri (animated short, 1963)
Álagablettir (animated short, 2009)
Album (animated short, 1983)
Alouette (animated short, 1944)
Alphabet, The (animated short, 1968)
Amputee, The (animated short, 1973)
Anamorphosis (animated short, 1991)
Animated Motion: Part 1 (short documentary, 1976)
Animated Motion: Part 2 (short documentary, 1977)
Animated Sound Test (animated short)
Animated Soviet Propaganda (documentary, 2006)
Animator as Musician, The (short documentary, 2005)
Another Kind of Love (animated short, 1988)
Art Of Motion, The (short documentary, 2005)
Ave Maria (animated short, 1972)
Ballet Adagio (animated short, 1972)
Barrel Zoom (animated short, 1943)
Bead Game, The (animated short, 1977)
Beginnings (short documentary, 2005)
Begone Dull Care (animated short, 1949)
Best of Warner Bros. - 50 Cartoon Collection Looney Tunes (animated short, 1949)
Birdlings (animated short, 1967)
Bláznova kronika (feature film, 1964)
Blinkity Blank (animated short, 1955)
Boevje stranitsi (animated short, 1939)
Boogie-Doodle (animated short, 1940)
Bounce Film (animated short, 1960)
British Animation Award 6 (animated short, 2004)
Budem zorki (animated short, 1927)
Bugy-woogie (short fiction film - admittance, 2009)
Calligrapher, The (animated short, 1991)
Camera Makes Whoopee (animated short, 1935)
Canis (animated short, 2013)
Canon (animated short, 1964)
Canon - Test (animated short, 1964)
Cat Man Do (animated short, 2006)
Ceremonija (animated short, 1965)
C'est l'aviron (animated short, 1944)
Chain, The (animated short, 1997)
Chairy Tale, A (animated short, 1957)
Chairy Tale, A - Alternate Ending (animated short, 1957)
Chairy Tale, A - Tests and Outtakes (animated short, 1957)
Chaplin Test (animated short, 1940)
Chemical Brothers: Salmon Dance (animated short, 2007)
Chimeres des Švankmajer, Les (documentary, 2001)
Christmas Cracker (animated short, 1963)
Christmas Cracker: McLaren's Contribution (animated short, 1963)
Cinema de Notre Temps (television documentary, 2001)
C'Mons - Red Viral (animated short, 2007)
Comb, The (animated short, 1990)
Cowboys: High Noon (animated short, 1991)
Cowboys: Murder! (animated short, 1991)
Cowboys: Outrage! (animated short, 1991)
Cowboys: Slim Pickin's (animated short, 1991)
Cowboys: That's Nothin' (animated short, 1991)
Cowboys: The Conformist (animated short, 1991)
Černoje i beloje (animated short, 1933)
Čudna ptica (animated short, 1969)
Čužoj golos (animated short, 1949)
Dance (short documentary, 2005)
Dnevnik (animated short, 1974)
Do pivnice (animated short, 1983)
Dobro obavljen posao (animated short, 1989)
Dollar Dance (animated short, 1943)
Don Šajn (animated short, 1969)
Doors (animated short)
Dots (animated short, 1940)
Dreams and Desires - Family Ties (animated short, 2006)
Đavolja posla (animated short, 1965)
Elegija (animated short, 1965)
Et Cetera (animated short, 1966)
Eto v naših silah (animated short, 1970)
Evelyn Lambart (short documentary, 2005)
Experimental Film - Excerpt (short documentary, 1961)
Fa meg pa, for faen (feature film, 2011)
Fiddle-de-dee (animated short, 1947)
Film s djevojčicom (animated short, 2000)
Finding His Voice (animated short, 1929)
Flawless (feature film, 1999)
Flicker Film, The (animated short, 1961)
Flora (animated short, 1989)
Fun Facts (animated short, 2007)
Fun Facts 2 (animated short, 2007)
Gordi korablik (animated short, 1966)
Grandmother, The (animated short, 1970)
Grant Munro (short documentary, 2005)
Head Test, The (animated short, 1944)
Hell Unlimited (animated short, 1936)
Hen Hop (animated short, 1942)
Historia Naturae, Suita (animated short, 1967)
History of the World, The: The Invention of Writing (animated short, 1994)
Hoppity Pop (animated short, 1943)
Hypnosis Film, The (animated short)
I Love You Too (animated short, 1991)
Imperfectionist, The (animated short, 2006)
In Absentia (animated short, 2000)
In Between (animated short, 2002)
In/dividu (animated short, 1999)
Inspektor se vratio kući (animated short, 1959)
Intolerance (animated short, 2000)
Intolerance II: The Invasion (animated short, 2001)
Istorija odnoj kukli (animated short, 1984)
J S Bach - Fantasia g-moll (animated short, 1965)
Jaje (animated short, 2002)
Jedan dan života (animated short, 1982)
Jidlo (animated short, 1992)
Johanes Doktor Faust (animated short, 1958)
July 4th 1941 (animated short, 1941)
Kako je Ana kupila kruh (animated short, 1980)
Kao nekim čudom (animated short, 2002)
Keep Your Mouth Shut (animated short, 1944)
Kino-Pravda (animated short, 1924)
Kirikou et la sorcière (animated feature, 1998)
Kitaj v ogne (animated short, 1925)
Klativitez (short documentary, 1962)
Kod kuče je najbolje (animated short, 1988)
Kokon (animated short, 1979)
Kolač (animated short, 1997)
Konec stalinismu v Čechach (animated short, 1990)
Korean Alphabet (animated short, 1968)
Kostnice (animated short, 1970)
Krava na mjesecu (animated short, 1959)
Krek (animated short, 1967)
Kyvadlo, jama a nadeje (animated short, 1983)
Là-haut sur ces montagnes (animated short, 1945)
Là-haut sur ces montagnes - Test (animated short, 1944)
Lalionska kula (animated short, 1988)
Largo (animated short, 1970)
Leonarduv denik (animated short, 1972)
Leptiri (animated short, 1988)
LifeSize Zoetrope (animated short, 2007)
Lines Horizontal (animated short, 1962)
Lines Vertical (animated short, 1960)
Lisica v lisičjem jeziku (animated short, 2009)
Little Negro (animated short, 1940)
Little Phantasy on a 19th-century Painting, A (animated short, 1946)
Ljubitelji cvijeća (animated short, 1971)
Loops (animated short, 1940)
Love on the Wing (animated short, 1939)
Love, Dad (short documentary, 2021)
Lovro (short fiction film - admittance, 2009)
Lutka snova (animated short, 1980)
Mačka (animated short, 1971)
Mail Early (animated short, 1941)
Mail Early For Christmas (animated short, 1959)
Making of Mosaic, The (animated short, 2004)
Mali i veliki (animated short, 1966)
Man Who Walked Between the Towers, The (animated short, 2005)
Martina And The Moon (animated short, 2009)
Maxi Cat: Metla (animated short, 1972)
Maxi Cat: Ribolov (animated short, 1972)
Maxi Cat: Ručak (animated short, 1972)
Maxi Cat: Šešir (animated short, 1973)
Maxi Cat: Vrata (animated short, 1972)
McLaren and Space (short documentary, 2005)
Mclaren At Play (animated short, 1940)
McLaren on McLaren (short documentary, 1983)
McLaren Par Jutra - Cinema Canadien (short documentary, 1961)
Measles (animated short, 2006)
Merle Rehearses, Le (animated short, 1958)
Merle, Le (animated short, 1958)
Merle, Le - Tests and Outtakes (animated short, 1948)
Mežplanetnaja revolucija (animated short, 1924)
Milk Teeth (animated short, 2007)
Millioner (animated short, 1963)
Minema Cinema: Revenge is Cold (animated short, 2004)
Misa u A-molu (animated short, 1996)
Mister Tvister (animated short, 1963)
Mister Volk (animated short, 1949)
Mladić s ružama (animated short, 1995)
Molitva (animated short, 1971)
Mony a Pickle (animated short, 1938)
Mosaic (animated short, 1965)
Mousferatu (animated short, 1988)
Možda Diogen (animated short, 1967)
Možnosti dialogu (animated short, 1982)
Muha (animated short, 1966)
Muzikalno prase (animated short, 1966)
Mužne hry (animated short, 1988)
N.N. (animated short, 1977)
Narcissus (animated short, 1983)
Narcissus - Test (animated short, 1983)
NBC Valentine Greeting (animated short, 1939)
Ne toptat fašistskomu sapogu našej rodini (animated short, 1941)
Neighbours (animated short, 1952)
New York Lightboard (animated short, 1961)
New York Lightboard Record (animated short, 1961)
Nocturna Artificialia (animated short, 1979)
Norman McLaren's Opening Speech (animated short, 1961)
Northwest Hounded Police (animated short, 1946)
O rupama i čepovima (animated short, 1967)
O skazat XII ezd partiji kooperativi (animated short, 1925)
Okay! (animated short, 1972)
Oktava straha (animated short, 1977)
Olay: Lines (animated short, 2007)
Old Grey Hare, The (animated short, 1944)
Old, Old, Very Old Man, The (animated short, 2007)
On the Farm (animated short, 1951)
Organčik (animated short, 1933)
Otrantsky zamek (animated short, 1979)
Out-Of-Focus Cloudspace (animated short, 1940)
Painting with Light (short documentary, 2005)
Paper Cut-outs (short documentary, 2005)
Paranoja (animated short, 1992)
Pas de Deux (animated short, 1968)
Pas de Deux - Test (animated short)
Pen Drawings (animated short)
Pen Point Percussion (short documentary, 1951)
Pepelca (short documentary, 1996)
Perdriole, La (animated short)
Pesni ognenih let (animated short, 1971)
Peti (animated short, 1964)
Phantasy, A (animated short, 1952)
Picknick mit Weissmann (animated short, 1968)
PiKA PiKA (performance, 2010)
Pink Panther Cartoons (animated short, 1964)
Pinocchio (animated feature, 1940)
Pinscreen (short documentary, 1973)
Pixar - short films collection, Volume 1 (animated short, 2004)
Plop (animated short, 1989)
Plus elektrifikacija (animated short, 1972)
Pobedni maršrut (animated short, 1939)
Polychrome Fantasy (animated short, 1935)
Posledni trik pana Schwarcewalldea a pana Edgara (animated short, 1964)
Poslednji valcer u starom mlinu (animated short, 1995)
Poulette grise, La (animated short, 1947)
Poulette grise, La - Test (animated short, 1947)
Přežít svůj život (animated feature, 2010)
Priča s krova (animated short, 1997)
Priključenija krasnih galstukov (animated short, 1971)
Proroki i uroki (animated short, 1967)
Putnik drugog razreda (animated short, 1973)
Rakvičkárna (animated short, 1966)
Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies (animated short, 1987)
René Jodoin (short documentary, 2005)
Riblje oko (animated short, 1980)
Rythmetic (animated short, 1956)
Satiemania (animated short, 1978)
Seasons, The (animated short, 1966)
Senor Z (puppet show, 1991)
Serenal (animated short, 1959)
Sexlife of a Chair, The (animated short, 1998)
Sherzo (animated short, 1939)
Short And Suite (animated short, 1959)
Six and Seven-Eights (animated short, 1960)
Six Men Getting Sick (animated short, 1967)
Skazka skazok (animated short, 1979)
Skripka pionera (animated short, 1971)
Snakes (animated short, 1943)
Socializacija bika? (animated feature, 1998)
Sostanovalci (short fiction film - admittance, 2009)
Sound of Music, The (animated short, 1992)
Sovjetski igruški (animated short, 1924)
Spheres (animated short, 1969)
Spook Sport (animated short, 1940)
Stars And Stripes (animated short, 1940)
Sterviatniki (animated short, 1941)
Stille Nacht II: Are We Still Married? (animated short, 1992)
Stille Nacht III: Tales from the Vienna Woods (animated short, 1992)
Stille Nacht IV: Can't Go Wrong Without You (animated short, 1993)
Street of Crocodiles (animated short, 1986)
Strings (animated feature, 2004)
Summer Day in Ottawa in 1949..., A (animated short, 1949)
Summit, The (animated short, 1995)
Surogat (animated short, 1961)
Svaki je dan za sebe, svi zajedno nikad (animated short, 2002)
Synchromy (animated short, 1971)
Šílení (animated feature, 2005)
Škola hodanja (animated short, 1978)
t.o.m. (animated short, 2006)
Tango Argentino (feature film, 1992)
Tanguy Landscape Test (animated short, 1944)
Tebe, Moskva! (animated short, 1947)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 1: Thou Shalt Not Adore False Gods (animated short, 1994)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 2: Thou Shalt Not Commit Blasphemy (animated short, 1995)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 3: Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath Day (animated short, 1995)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 5: Thou Shalt Not Kill (animated short, 1996)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 6: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery (animated short, 1994)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 7: Thou Shalt Not Steal (animated short, 1994)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 8: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (animated short, 1995)
Ten Commandments, The, Number 9: Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Goods (animated short, 1995)
Test A dor Synchromy (animated short, 1971)
Test B dor Synchromy (animated short, 1971)
The Eye Hears, the Ear Sees (documentary, 1970)
The Phantom Museum: Random Forays Into the Vaults of Sir Henry Wellcome's Medical Collection (animated short, 2003)
Tichý týden v dome (animated short, 1969)
Tidy Monster (animated short, 2007)
Tir (animated short, 1979)
Tma-svetlo-tma (animated short, 1989)
Tongue of the Hidden (animated short, 2007)
Toši vo tota vani (animated short, 2005)
Two Bagatelles (animated short, 1952)
Uncle (animated short, 1996)
Unnameable Little Broom, The (animated short, 1985)
Urok ne vprok (animated short, 1971)
Utakmica (animated short, 1987)
Uzbudljiva ljubavna priča (animated short, 1989)
V for Victory (animated short, 1941)
Vasiliok (animated short, 1973)
Vau -vau (animated short, 1964)
Veliki provod (animated short, 1990)
Vieille dame et les pigeons, La (animated short, 1998)
Vincent (animated short, 1982)
Vincent Warren (short documentary, 2005)
Vnimanie! Volki! (animated short, 1970)
Vpered, vremja! (animated short, 1977)
Vrata (animated short, 1978)
Vremenska bajka (animated short, 1995)
War and Peace (short documentary, 2005)
What's buzzin' buzzard? (animated short, 1943)
Wind of Changes, The (animated short, 1996)
Window On Canada No. 29 - Excerpt 1 (short documentary, 1954)
Window On Canada No. 29 - Excerpt 2 (short documentary, 1954)
Window On Canada No. 29 - Excerpt 3 (short documentary, 1954)
Winterthur: A Town Called Tomorrow (animated short, 2006)
Women of Japan (animated short, 2006)
Wook, The (animated short, 1944)
Workshop Experiments in Animated Sound (animated short, 1957)
Yours Truly (animated short, 2007)
Zahrada (animated short, 1968)
Zamilovane maso (animated short, 1988)
Zasukanec (animated short, 2004)
Zid (animated short, 1965)
Znatiželja (animated short, 1966)
Živjo, Koyaa (short documentary, 2017)
Žurnal politsatiri N. 2 (animated short, 1941)
Žvahlav aneb šaticky Slameneho Huberta (animated short, 1971)

Gospod Ernest (, 2019)
Problem zapisa giba v drugi polovici XX. stoletja, 1. del (seminar - student paper, 2007)
Problem zapisa giba v drugi polovici XX. stoletja, 2. del (seminar - student paper, 2008)


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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Miroslav Krleža (7.7.1893-29.12.1981)
Andrej Tarkovski (4.4.1932-29.12.1986)
Jon Voight (29.12.1938-)

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