Legionarji (1904, Production Company) |
Tajfun (1910, Production Company) |
Pepelka ali Stekleni čeveljček / Aschenbrödel (1919, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1922, Production Company) |
Judita / Judith (1923, Production Company) |
Osma žena / La Huitieme femme de Barbe-Bleue (1923, Production Company) |
Othello / Othello, the Moore of Venice (1923, Production Company) |
Kar hočete ali Na večer svetih treh kraljev / Twelfth Night or What You Will (1923, Production Company) |
Veronika Deseniška (1924, Production Company) |
Periferija / Periferie (1925, Production Company) |
John Gabriel Borkman (1926, Production Company) |
Idiot (1926, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1926, Production Company) |
Obrt gospe Warrenove / Mrs. Warren's profession (1926, Production Company) |
Ana Christie / Anna Christie (1926, Production Company) |
Triglavska bajka (1926, Production Company) |
Gobsek / Gobseck (1927, Production Company) |
Polnoč / Ponoć (1927, Production Company) |
Sneguljčica / Schneewittchen (1927, Production Company) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (1928, Production Company) |
Herman Celjski (1928, Production Company) |
Dobri vojak Švejk (1928, Production Company) |
Kukuli (1928, Production Company) |
Krog s kredo / Die Kreidekreis (1928, Production Company) |
Lepa Vida (1928, Production Company) |
INRI (1928, Production Company) |
Dantonova smrt / Dantons Tod (1929, Production Company) |
Piskač se smeje / The Piper Laugh (1929, Production Company) |
Faust (1929, Production Company) |
Življenje je lepo / La vie est belle (1929, Production Company) |
Don Karlos (1929, Production Company) |
Strahovi / Gengangere (1929, Production Company) |
Velika abeceda uspeha / Monsieur Topaze (1929, Production Company) |
Brez ljubezni / Bez ljubavi (1929, Production Company) |
Svitanje (1929, Production Company) |
Bitka / La Bataille (1929, Production Company) |
Nevesta s krono / Kronbruden (1929, Production Company) |
Grob neznanega vojaka / Le Tombeau sous l'Arc de Triomphe (1929, Production Company) |
Glavni dobitek (1930, Production Company) |
Vihar / The Tempest (1930, Production Company) |
Vdova Rošlinka (1930, Production Company) |
Sveti plamen / The Sacred Flame (1930, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1930, Production Company) |
Mladoletje (1930, Production Company) |
Razbojniki / Die Räuber (1930, Production Company) |
Mercadet (1930, Production Company) |
Za ljubezen so zdravila / Liebesgeschichte und Heiratssachen (1930, Production Company) |
Kraljična Haris (1930, Production Company) |
Serija A-000001 (Ljubina srečka) (1930, Production Company) |
Cvrček za pečjo / The cricket on the hearth (1930, Production Company) |
Konec poti / Journey's end (1930, Production Company) |
Gospoda Glembajevi (1931, Production Company) |
Slehernik / Das alte Spiel von Jedermann (1931, Production Company) |
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1931, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1931, Production Company) |
Brez tretjega / Bez trećeg (1931, Production Company) |
Vzrok / Die Ursache (1931, Production Company) |
Zeleni kakadu / Der grüne Kakadu (1931, Production Company) |
Takšna je prava (1931, Production Company) |
Pri belem konjičku / Im weissen Rössl (1931, Production Company) |
Trije vaški svetniki / Die drei Dorfheiligen (1931, Production Company) |
Juntez (1931, Production Company) |
Divji lovec (1931, Production Company) |
Carjevič Aleksej / Petr i Aleksej (1932, Production Company) |
Kar hočete / Twelfth Night or What You Will (1932, Production Company) |
Veseli vinograd / Der fröhliche Weinberg (1932, Production Company) |
Celjski grofje (1932, Production Company) |
Sveta Ivana (1933, Production Company) |
Praznik cvetočih češenj / Das Kirschblütenfest (1933, Production Company) |
Matiček se ženi (1934, Production Company) |
Žalujoči ostali / Ožalošćena porodica (1934, Production Company) |
Waterloo (1934, Production Company) |
Siromakovo jagnje / Das Lamm des Armen (1935, Production Company) |
Beneški trgovec / The Merchant of Venice (1935, Production Company) |
Kralj Edip / Ödipus und die Sphinx (1935, Production Company) |
Moliere (1935, Production Company) |
Postržek / Scampolo (1935, Production Company) |
Sluga dveh gospodov / Il servitore di due padroni (1935, Production Company) |
Frak ali Od krojačka do ministra (1935, Production Company) |
V času obiskanja (1935, Production Company) |
Juarez in Maksimiljan / Juarez und Maximilian (1936, Production Company) |
Prva legija / The First Legion (1936, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1936, Production Company) |
Gozd / Les (1936, Production Company) |
Florentinski slamnik / Le Chapeau de paille d'Italie (1936, Production Company) |
Korajža velja! (1936, Production Company) |
Za narodov blagor (1936, Production Company) |
Dies irae (1936, Production Company) |
Konjeniška patrola / Jízdni hlídka (1936, Production Company) |
Tudi Lela bo nosila klobuk / I Lela će nositi kapelin (1936, Production Company) |
Simfonija 1937 / Dinner at eight (1937, Production Company) |
Rivala / What price glory (1937, Production Company) |
Bela bolezen / Bílá nemoc (1937, Production Company) |
Matura (1937, Production Company) |
Dež in vihar (1937, Production Company) |
Velika skušnjava (1939, Production Company) |
Kozarec vode / Le verre d'eau (1939, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1940, Production Company) |
Revizor (1940, Production Company) |
Partija šaha (1940, Production Company) |
Lepa Vida (1940, Production Company) |
Othello (1941, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1941, Production Company) |
Protekcija (1941, Production Company) |
Gradbenik Solnes / Bygmester Solness (1942, Production Company) |
Večno mlada Saloma / Nascita di Salomé (1942, Production Company) |
Primer dr. Hirna / Il caso del dott. Hirn (1942, Production Company) |
Voda (1942, Production Company) |
Šola za žene (1942, Production Company) |
Normanski junaki / Haermaendene paa Helgeland (1943, Production Company) |
Maria Stuart (1944, Production Company) |
Kozarec vode / Le verre d'eau ou Les effets et les causes (1944, Production Company) |
September (1944, Production Company) |
Zemlja / Erde (1944, Production Company) |
Svet brez sovraštva (1945, Production Company) |
Mati / Matka (1945, Production Company) |
Zimska pravljica / The Winter's Tale (1946, Production Company) |
V agoniji (1946, Production Company) |
Velika puntarija (1946, Production Company) |
Gospoda Glembajevi (1946, Production Company) |
Učene ženske / Les femmes savantes (1946, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (1947, Production Company) |
Hudičev učenec / The Devil's Disciple (1947, Production Company) |
Rusko vprašanje / Russkij vopros (1947, Production Company) |
Tugomer (1947, Production Company) |
Še tak lisjak se nazadnje ujame / Na vsjakogo mudreca dovol'no prostoty (1947, Production Company) |
Gospa ministrica / Gospođa ministarka (1947, Production Company) |
Na straži (1947, Production Company) |
V tajgi / Dalëkoe (1947, Production Company) |
Miklova Zala (1947, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1947, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1948, Production Company) |
Vida Grantova (1948, Production Company) |
Kranjski komedijanti (1948, Production Company) |
Šola za obrekovanje / The School for Scandal (1948, Production Company) |
Mesec dni na kmetih / Mesjac v derevne (1948, Production Company) |
Otok miru / Ostorv mira (1948, Production Company) |
Za srečo tistih, ki so na morju / Za teh, kto v more! (1948, Production Company) |
Hlapci (1948, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1949, Production Company) |
Gorje pametnemu / Gore ot uma (1949, Production Company) |
Za narodov blagor (1949, Production Company) |
Celjski grofje (1950, Production Company) |
Dom Bernarde Albe / La Casa de Bernarda Alba (1950, Production Company) |
Goreče srce / Gorjačee serdce (1950, Production Company) |
Egmont (1950, Production Company) |
Volpone / Volpone or The Fox (1951, Production Company) |
Vučjak (1951, Production Company) |
Stebri družbe / Samfundets Stötter (1951, Production Company) |
Povabilo v grad / L'invitation au château (1952, Production Company) |
Rihard tretji / Rihard III (1952, Production Company) |
Krefli (1952, Production Company) |
V agoniji (1953, Production Company) |
Tak kakor vsi / Un Homme comme les autres (1953, Production Company) |
Britanik / Britannicus (1953, Production Company) |
Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi (1953, Production Company) |
Zlati oktober (1954, Production Company) |
Molčeča usta / Johnny Belinda (1954, Production Company) |
Vasa Železnova / Vassa Železnova (1954, Production Company) |
Giocondin nasmeh / The Gioconda Smile (1954, Production Company) |
Dekliška ura / The Children's Hour (1955, Production Company) |
Na koncu poti / Na kraju puta (1955, Production Company) |
Mandragola (1955, Production Company) |
Elizabeta Angleška / Elisabeth von England (1955, Production Company) |
Norica iz Chaillota / La folle de Chaillot (1956, Production Company) |
Tri sestre / Tri sestry (1956, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja / Djadja Vanja (1957, Production Company) |
Kavkaški krog s kredo / Der kaukasische Kreidekreis (1957, Production Company) |
Odstranite norca! / Take the Fool Away! (1957, Production Company) |
Krefli (1957, Production Company) |
Optimistična tragedija / Optimističeskaja tragedija (1957, Production Company) |
Poletje v Nohantu / Lato w Nohant (1958, Production Company) |
Ana Karenina / Anna Karenina (1958, Production Company) |
Don Karlos / Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien (1959, Production Company) |
Yerma (1959, Production Company) |
Orfej se spušča / Orpheus Descending (1960, Production Company) |
Grozdna jagoda v soncu / A Raisin in the Sun (1960, Production Company) |
Avtobiografija / Autobiografija (1961, Production Company) |
Zunaj pred durmi / Draussen vor der Tür (1961, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear (1964, Production Company) |
Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi (1966, Production Company) |
Hlapci (1967, Production Company) |
Miss Jenny Love / Miss Jenny Love (1967, Production Company) |
Kongres (1968, Production Company) |
Oresteia / Oresteia (1968, Production Company) |
Žabe ali prilika o ubogem Lazarju (1970, Production Company) |
Volpone ali Lisjak / Volpone or The Fox (1970, Production Company) |
Leda (1971, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1975, Production Company) |
Staromodna komedija (1977, Production Company) |
Profesor Klepec (1979, Production Company) |
Voranc (1980, Production Company) |
Hlapci (1980, Production Company) |
Mlada Breda (1982, Production Company) |
Disident Arnož in njegovi (1982, Production Company) |
Zlata čeveljčka (1983, Production Company) |
Barillonova poroka (1984, Production Company) |
Veliki briljantni valček (1985, Production Company) |
Malomeščanska svatba / Kleinbuergerhochzeit, Die (1985, Production Company) |
Dantonov primer (1985, Production Company) |
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1986, Production Company) |
Kalevala (1986, Production Company) |
Stričkove sanje (1987, Production Company) |
Orkester (1987, Production Company) |
Zapiski blazneža (1987, Production Company) |
Volčji čas ljubezni (1988, Production Company) |
Zid, jezero (1989, Production Company) |
Za jezom neba (1989, Production Company) |
Sanacija (1990, Production Company) |
Samorog (1992, Production Company) |
Zaigraj še enkrat, Sam / Play It Again, Sam (1992, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear (1992, Production Company) |
Timon Atenski (1992, Production Company) |
Antigona (1993, Production Company) |
Ljubiti (1993, Production Company) |
Ali bog laja (1994, Production Company) |
Kralj Henrik IV. (1994, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, The (1994, Production Company) |
Hlapci (1995, Production Company) |
Inštrukcija / La leçon (1995, Production Company) |
Ozri se v gnevu (1996, Production Company) |
Obisk / Parafraza no-igre NANDŽO Jukia Mišime (1997, Production Company) |
Kdo to poje Sizifa (1997, Production Company) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (1997, Production Company) |
Portimão (1999, Production Company) |
Dostojevski: Idiot (1999, Production Company) |
Vladimir / Vladimir (1999, Production Company) |
Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi (1999, Production Company) |
Vihar / Tempest, The (1999, Production Company) |
Škofjeloški pasijon (2000, Production Company) |
Čakajoč Godota / Waiting for Godot (2000, Production Company) |
Berenika (2000, Production Company) |
Noži v kurah / Knives in Hens (2001, Production Company) |
Othello / Othello (2001, Production Company) |
Večer literature Kristjana Mucka (2001, Production Company) |
Jez / Weir, The (2001, Production Company) |
Opera za tri groše / Dreigroschenoper, Die (2001, Production Company) |
Kasandra (2001, Production Company) |
Ritter, Dene, Voss / Ritter, Dene, Voss (2001, Production Company) |
Daleč stran / Far Away (2002, Production Company) |
Psihoza 4.48 (2002, Production Company) |
O, krasni dnevi / Oh, Les Beaux Jours (2003, Production Company) |
Šolski zvezek / Grand Cahier, Le (2003, Production Company) |
Kralj Ojdipus (2004, Production Company) |
Hodnik (2004, Production Company) |
Zgodbe iz Dunajskega gozda / Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (2004, Production Company) |
Learning Europe (2004, Production Company) |
Alamut / Alamut (2005, Production Company) |
Katarina, pav in jezuit (2005, Production Company) |
Fužinski bluz (2005, Production Company) |
Črimekundan ali brezmadežni / Tibetanski misterij (2005, Production Company) |
En španski komad / Una piece espagnole (2005, Production Company) |
Ana Karenina (2006, Production Company) |
Podzemni bluz. Drama postaj. / Untertagblues. Ein Stationendrama. (2006, Production Company) |
Smoletov vrt (2006, Production Company) |
Tartuffe ali prevarant (2007, Production Company) |
Bog masakra / Dieu du Carnage, Le (2007, Production Company) |
Jagababa (2007, Production Company) |
Življenje podeželskih plejbojev po drugi svetovni vojni ali Tuje hočemo-svojega ne damo (2008, Production Company) |
Moč navade / Macht der Gewohnheit, Die (2008, Production Company) |
Markiza de Sade / Sado Koshaku Fujin (2008, Production Company) |
Jaltska igra. Poigra. (2008, Production Company) |
Niha ura tiha (2008, Production Company) |
Bostonska naveza / Boston Marriage (2009, Production Company) |
Oresteja (2009, Production Company) |
Barčica za punčke / Brod za lutke (izvr.) (2009, Production Company) |
Platonov (2010, Production Company) |
Totenbirt (2010, Production Company) |
V Damask (2010, Production Company) |
Možé, arhivist (2011, Production Company) |
November (2011, Production Company) |
Zang Tumb Tuuum (2012, Production Company) |
Rdeča / Red (2012, Production Company) |
Gospoda Glembajevi / Gospoda Glembajevi (2012, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2013, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (2013, Production Company) |
Boris, Milena, Radko (2013, Production Company) |
Vsa ta ljubezen (2014, Participating) |
Medeja / Medea (2014, Production Company) |
Tugomer (2014, Production Company) |
Rihard III. + II. (2014, Production Company) |
Čiščenje idiota (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Gozd se svetlika (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Jaz ali kdo drug (2015, Co-Production Company) |
V republiki sreče / In the Republic of Happiness (2015, Production Company) |
Grad / Castle, The / Schloss, Das (2015, Production Company) |
Faust (2015, Production Company) |
Iliada (2015, Production Company) |
Jugoslavija, moja dežela (2015, Production Company) |
medtem ko skoraj rečem še ali prilika o vladarju in modrosti (2015, Production Company) |
Soneti (2016, Co-Production Company) |
Kralj Ubu (2016, Production Company) |
Hlapci / Serfs, The (2017, Production Company) |
Biblija, prvi poskus / Bible, the First Attempt (2017, Production Company) |
Vojna in mir (2017, Production Company) |
Se mi vsaj ni treba poljubljati (2018, Participating) |
Antiprojekt Unesco (2019, Participating) |
Ali: Strah ti poje dušo / Ali: Fear Eats Yours Soul (2019, Production Company) |
Simpozij (2019, Co-Producer) |
Pogovori o ljubezni (2019, Production Company) |
Alica: nekaj solilogov o neznosnosti časa (2024, Co-Production Company) |