Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:Monday | 10am-1pm | Wednesday | 10am-1pm |
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)
A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8617 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2023/2024, letnik XI, št. II - pdf. (2024, playbill)
Salt of the Earth, The (2014)
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925)
Pina (2011)
Nostalghia (1983)
Blue Velvet (1986)
| |
Jan Lovše
Note (in Slovenian): Filmska in televizijska montaža
Pred vrati (2010, Director, Screenwriter, Film Editor) |
Preklete podlasice / Damn those weasles (2011, Screenwriter, Film Editor) |
Izpit / Exam, The (2011, Assistant Director, Assistant Cameraman) |
Šporget (2011, Participating, Author) |
Benjamin / Benjamin (2012, Film Editor) |
Limonada / Lemonade (2012, Participating) |
Frker (2012, Film Editor) |
Bit (2012, Participating, Camera Operator) |
FeTeVe (2012, Participating) |
Kam / Where to (2013, Actor) |
Ivan brez življenja / John Lacklife (2013, Film Editor, Actor) |
Prepričanje / Belief (2013, Graphic Designer) |
Kopanje / Diving In (2013, Script Supervisor) |
Prihodi odhodi / Arrivals Departures (2013, Special Effects Designer) |
100 točk / Top Score (2013, Participating) |
Svetlo črna / Bright Black (2014, Film Editor) |
Ne nazaj / Just Not Back (2015, Director, Animator, Screenwriter) |
Ob letu o sorej 2015 - Darinka Peršin (2015, Film Editor) |
Gospod golob / Mister Pigeon (2016, Film Editor) |
Še sreča! / Lucky for us! (2017, Film Editor) |
Slovenija, Avstralija in jutri ves svet / Slovenia, Australia and Tomorrow the World (2017, Film Editor) |
Gajin svet 2 / Gaja's World - This Is My Planet! (2022, Film Editor) |
Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
Miroslav Krleža (7.7.1893-29.12.1981)
Andrej Tarkovski (4.4.1932-29.12.1986)
Jon Voight (29.12.1938-)
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
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