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Official Hours
Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:

Last Entries
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)

New Archive Items
A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8617 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2023/2024, letnik XI, št. II - pdf. (2024, playbill)

Most Wanted
Salt of the Earth, The (2014)
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925)
Pina (2011)
Nostalghia (1983)
Blue Velvet (1986)

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Marjan Ravnikar

Gospa ne bo zgorela - v maski - Oliver Twist  - skupinska

Fiesco / Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua (1963, Photographer)
Marija Stuart (1963, Photographer)
Kovarstvo in ljubezen / Kabale und Liebe (1963, Photographer)
Rusalka (1963, Photographer)
Krog s kredo / Der Kreidekreis (1963, Photographer)
Praznik cvetočih češenj / Das Kirschblutenfest (1963, Photographer)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1963, Photographer)
Dona Diana (1963, Photographer)
Gorje pametnemu (1963, Photographer)
Varh / The Guardian (1964, Photographer)
Rendez-vous (1964, Photographer)
Nora (Prva zasedba) (1964, Photographer)
Striček Vanja / Djadja Vanja (1965, Photographer)
Šola za obrekovanje / The School for Scandal (1965, Photographer)
Jutro pred poroko (1965, Photographer)
Snubač (1965, Photographer)
Mož usode / The Man of Destiny (1965, Photographer)
Balada o črnem noju (1965, Photographer)
Zaprta vrata / Le Huis-clos (1965, Photographer)
Kapitan John Piplfox / Kapetan Džon Piplfox (1966, Photographer)
Čarodejni mangovi listi / Mango Leaf Magic (1966, Photographer)
Cipek in Capek / Max und Moritz (1969, Photographer)
Pavlihčeva skrivnost / Das Geheimnis des Puppenspielers (1969, Photographer)
Hura za veselje (1969, Photographer)
Oliver Twist (1970, Photographer)
Silni bič (1970, Photographer)
Vesela zgodba o žalostni princeski (1970, Photographer)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1970, Photographer)
Indijanci v Mali vasi / Wir spielen Indianer (1971, Photographer)
Domača naloga na potepu (1971, Photographer)
Gilgameš (1972, Photographer)
Stari časi / Old Times (1982, Photographer)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives:
A283 - Varh (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A624 - Plakati in programi AGRFT 1980 - 1985 (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A236 - Zdravnik po sili (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A253 - Bratje Karamazovi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A261 - Štiri medigre (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A264 - Glumačeva smrt (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A266 - Produkcija 3. semestra dramske igre (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A246 - Don Juan v peklu (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A254 - Komedija zmešnjav (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A256 - Fiesco (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A255 - Trudni zastori (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A258 - Trudni zastori (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A263 - Dvojčka (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A260 - Šola za može; Izsiljena ženitev (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A282 - Smešne precioze (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A284 - Rendez-vous (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A289 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A288 - Dva lopova, Oblast (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A286 - Zimska pravljica (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A274 - Nora (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A279 - Spomini na Avgusta Cesarca (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A275 - Romeo in Julija; Dva gospoda iz Verone (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A276 - Dva gospoda iz Verone (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A290 - Prizori iz Shakespeara (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A307 - Peklenski stroj (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A304 - Don Carlos (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A302 - Zaprta vrata (2. zasedba); Feniks preveč (2. zasedba) (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A301 - Igra o ljubezni in naključju; Spoštljiva vlačuga (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A292 - Striček Vanja; Šola za obrekovanje; Kralj na Betajnovi; Jutro pred poroko (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A295 - Skušnja ali kaznovana ljubezen (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A291 - Igra o Robinu in Marioni (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A293 - Snubač; Medved (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A294 - Mož usode (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A297 - Peskovnik; Zaprta vrata (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A303 - Margareta; Feniks preveč (1. zasedba) (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A322 - V gnevu se ozri (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A321 - Kako važno je biti resen (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A319 - Ljudomržnik; Kar hočete ali Dvanajsta noč (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A310 - Ovčji kal; Revizor; Spalnik Hiawatha (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A308 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A318 - Lažnivec; Zgodba o živalskem vrtu (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A313 - Figarova svatba; Pogled z mostu (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A311 - Kaj je resnica (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A323 - Shakespearov večer (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A336 - Lepa Vida (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A327 - Županova Micka (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A332 - Sluga dveh gospodov (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A328 - Čas in Conwayevi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A326 - Tri sestre (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A325 - Marija Stuart; Don Carlos; Madame Sans-Gene; Pokopljite mrtve (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A348 - Lizistrata (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A345 - Božični nakupi; Poslovilna večerja; Agonija (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A342 - Za Lukrecijo (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A340 - Romeo in Julija; Hamlet; Macbeth; Improvizacija v Versaillesu (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A355 - Obisk študentov kansaške univerze na AGRFT (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A347 - Gospa ne bo zgorela (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A341 - Kralj na Betajnovi; Za narodov blagor; Veronika Deseniška (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A355 - Komedija zmešnjav; Koriolan; Rihard III. (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A369 - Dona Diana; Dolgo božično kosilo (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A361 - Ljudomrznik (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A362 - Žena pred obzidjem; Služkinji (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A382 - Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A386 - V svojem vrtu ljubi don Perlimplin Beliso ali Ljubezen don Perlimplina (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A386 - Okrogle glave in koničaste glave ali Bogatija se rada druži z bogatijo (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A390 - Stekleni zverinjak (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A391 - Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre II. letnika (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A416 - Kar hočete; Ljudomrznik (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A406 - George Dandin ali Kaznovani soprog (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A401 - Gospodična Julija (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A399 - Učene žene; Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A420 - Gospoda Glembajevi; Nora (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A424 - Čakajoč na Godota; Osem žensk (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A435 - Spomin na dva ponedeljka; Pogled z mostu; Sluga dveh gospodov; Dva jezičneža (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A437 - Hamlet (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A438 - Kalandrija (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A424 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi; Pierrot in Pierrette (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A442 - Sveta Ivana; Koriolan; V agoniji (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A440 - Kartoteka (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A443 - Troilus in Kresida; Don Juan; Pesem o luzitanskem strašilu (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A458 - R.U.R.; Nenaseljena hiša; Rešen; Igra (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A445 - Podstrešje (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A464 - Svet brez sovraštva; Tri sestre; Zaprta vrata; Čarobna noč (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A481 - Bakhantke (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A478 - Poslednji trak (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A479 - Steklena menažerija; Romeo in Julija; Kar hočete (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A477 - Leda (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A485 - Revijski skeči; Dan gospoda X; Monologi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A495 - Sranje (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A496 - Hamlet; Troilus in Kresida; Macbeth (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A511 - Kmetija (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A520 - Ukročena trmoglavka; Delni izpitni nastop iz dramkse igre III (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A522 - Ozri se v gnevu (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A541 - Aleksander praznih rok; Služkinji; Escurial (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A558 - Rihard III.; Hamlet (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A559 - L´bez´n (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A577 - Strast pod bresti; Primorske zdrahe; Peer Gynt (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A582 - Beraška opera (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A562 - Pred zajtrkom (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A574 - Potohodec (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A563 - Mostovi v Zambiji ali Nocoj bomo zidali (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A568 - Kostanjeva krona; Zgubljeni koraki (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A630 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (2. semester) (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A632 - V agoniji (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A634 - Krivda (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A596 - Učene ženske (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A596 - Izsiljena ženitev; Samostojne naloge (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A635 - Tri medigre: Budni stražnik, Dva jezičneža, Salamanška jama (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A606 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1. semester) (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A607 - Kralj na Betajnovi; V agoniji (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A610 - Spoštljiva vlačuga (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A683 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A686 - Tri sestre; Kralj na Betajnovi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A651 - Plešasta pevka (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A652 - Šola za žene; Don Juan (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A666 - Zaenkrat smo se izmazali; Saloma (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A667 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A668 - Tango (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A650 - Leda; Čakajoč na Godota (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A688 - Izsiljena ženitev; Ljudomrznik (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A702 - Macbeth; Hamlet; Faust (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A703 - Ne budite gospe; Monologi; Zaljubljenca v podzemeljski železnici (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A705 - Žabe (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A709 - Medved; Snubač (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A687 - Mušica ali komedija o finem govorjenju (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A704 - Lov na čarovnice; Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski; Ženitev (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A736 - Okus po medu; Šola za žene; Smešni preciozi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A731 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A724 - Don Carlos; Vražji fant zahodne strani (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A726 - Strahovi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A720 - Za Lukrecijo; Rihard III (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A716 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A717 - Veronika Deseniška; Romantične duše; Jakob Ruda; Kranjski komedijanti (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A750 - Učna ura (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A749 - Sen kresne noči (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A763 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A763 - Bobni v noči; Svobodni program slušateljev (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A84 - Romeo in Julija (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A80 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1. semester) (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A81 - Kralj na Betajnovi; Upnik; Sweeney agonistes (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A114 - Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A144 - Potohodec (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A82 - Hamlet (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A83 - Važno je imenovati se Ernest (16 mm, Photographer)
A158 - Karol (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A163 - Plešem kačjega pastirja (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A92 - Služkinji (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A161 - Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A154 - Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre III (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A157 - Utva; Striček Vanja; Kdo se boji Virginije Woolf? (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A90 - Kralj na Betajnovi; Vražji fant zahodnega sveta (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A91 - Izsiljena ženitev; Šola za može (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A459 - Rihard III; Macbeth; Hamlet (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A227 - Plug in zvezde (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A5 - Mesec dni na kmetih (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A28 - Vrtiljak (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A516 - Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A4 - Ljubezen in država (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A7248 - Gilgameš; Dan zaklan; Plakati raznih predstav (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A42 - Milo za drago; Marija Stuart (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A31 - Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre II (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A252 - Hedda Gabler (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A146 - Namišljeni bolnik (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A150 - Talec (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A48 - Zločin na Kozjem otoku (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A46 - Osvoboditev Skopja; Odpirač; Pred zajtrkom; Anarhistova naključna smrt (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A699 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A532 - Splav smrti (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A118 - Gospodična Julija; Noč bogov (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A16 - Kralj Laer (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A189 - Don Giovanni (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A189 - Zasledovanje in usmrtitev Jeana Paula Marata (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A26 - Improvizacije (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A170 - Ljubezen nam je vsem v pogubo II (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A171 - Služkinji (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A171 - Othello (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A171 - Sganarel ali Namišljeni rogonosec; Smešni preciozi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A132 - Don Lorenzo (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A73 - Hamlet (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A82 - Jakob Ruda; Županova Micka (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A70 - Moška stvar (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A69 - Zaprta vrata (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A177 - Tri sestre (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A74 - Romeo in Julija (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A202 - Rihardova lesena noga (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A66 - Rešen (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A258 - Premi govor; Nastopi klovnov (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A67 - Učene ženske (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A260 - Kdo se boji Virginije Woolf? (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A261 - Zabava za rojstni dan (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A259 - Spletke in ljubezen (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A215 - Kar hočete (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A216 - Lov na čarovnice (A) (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A56 - Tristosedemnajst a tišina ka (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A62 - Sen kresne noči (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A57 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A65 - Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)
A64 - Tango (photograph (negative) BW, Photographer)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Walter Ruttmann (28.12.1887-15.7.1941)
Max Steiner (10.5.1888-28.12.1971)
Friederich Wilhelm Murnau (28.12.1888-11.3.1931)
Sam Peckinpah (21.2.1925-28.12.1984)
Stevo Žigon (8.12.1926-28.12.2005)

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Nagrajenci Grossmannove nagrade
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