Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:Monday | 10am-1pm | Wednesday | 10am-1pm |
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)
A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8617 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2023/2024, letnik XI, št. II - pdf. (2024, playbill)
Salt of the Earth, The (2014)
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925)
Pina (2011)
Nostalghia (1983)
Blue Velvet (1986)
| |
Valentin Perko
References: IMDb
Darilo, ki pomeni upanje - dializa / Gift Of Hope - Dialysis, The (1977, Director of Photography) |
Oton Župančič / Oton Župančič (1978, Director of Photography) |
Monolog Ivana Potrča / Monologue Of Ivan Potrč (1978, Director of Photography) |
Pogreb / Funeral, The (1979, Director of Photography) |
Venec / Wrath, The (1979, Director of Photography) |
Pogled stvari / Perspective Of Things (1979, Director of Photography) |
V službi socializma in boga / In The Service Of Socialism And God (1979, Director of Photography) |
Prestop / Transgression (1980, Director of Photography, Cameraman) |
Ljubezen (1980, Director of Photography) |
Ribištvo / Fishing (1980, Director of Photography) |
Sveča (1981, Director of Photography) |
Ristanc (1981, Director of Photography) |
Valček za Taužentarjeva dva / Taužentars' Waltz (1981, Director, Screenwriter, Director of Photography) |
Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polž (1982, Director of Photography) |
Too Much (1982, Director of Photography) |
Dih / Breath of Air, A (1983, Director of Photography) |
Kozolec / Dryingrack (1983, Director of Photography) |
Kolizej (1984, Director of Photography) |
Nobeno sonce / What a Sun (1984, Director of Photography) |
Senca / Shadow (1984, Director of Photography) |
Start / Start (1984, Director of Photography) |
Kasač (1984, Director of Photography) |
Sonce za dva / Sun For Two (1986, Director of Photography) |
Paralele / Parallels (1987, Director of Photography) |
Maja in vesoljček / Maya and the Starboy (1988, Director of Photography, Cameraman) |
Coprnica Zofka / Sophie the Witch (1989, Director of Photography) |
Ječarji / Jailers, The (1990, Director of Photography) |
Triangel / Triangle (1991, Director of Photography) |
C'est ci n'est pas Paris (1991, Director of Photography) |
Vaški učitelj / Village Teacher (1993, Director of Photography) |
Morana / Morana (1993, Director of Photography) |
Syrya / Syrya (1995, Director of Photography) |
Povodni mož / The Underwater Man (1995, Director of Photography) |
Steber / Column (1997, Director of Photography) |
Ekspres, Ekspres / Express, Express (1997, Director of Photography) |
Črepinjice / Breakages (1997, Director of Photography) |
Pet majskih dni / Five Days in May (1997, Director of Photography) |
Herzog / Herzog (1997, Director of Photography) |
Balkanska ruleta / Balkan Roulette (1997, Director of Photography) |
Noč v hotelu / Night in a Hotel (1998, Director of Photography) |
Brezno / Rift, The (1998, Director of Photography) |
Urban - skice za portret glasbenika / Urban - Sketches for a Portrait of A Musician (1998, Director of Photography) |
Vrt / Garden, The (1999, Director of Photography) |
Jezero / Lake, The (1999, Director of Photography) |
Obrazi zelene reke / Faces of the Green River, The (1999, Director of Photography) |
Zadnji utrip / Last Heartbeat (1999, Director of Photography) |
Nepopisan list / What Now, Luka? (2000, Director of Photography) |
Desperado tonic / Desperado Tonic (2004, Director of Photography) |
Petelinji zajtrk / Rooster's Breakfast (2007, Director of Photography) |
Tunel upanja / Tunnel of Hope, A (2007, Director of Photography) |
Roki na steni / Hands on the Wall (2008, Director of Photography, Cameraman) |
Fragma: Merica sreče / Fragma: An Ounce of Luck (2008, Director of Photography, Cameraman) |
Fragma: V roju kresnic / Fireflies (2008, Director of Photography) |
Fragma: Nekakšen sindrom / Fragma: A Kind of Syndrome (2008, Director of Photography) |
Štiri skice za portret Janeza Drozga (2008, Cameraman) |
Morje v času mrka / Sea at the Time of the Eclipse, The (2008, Director of Photography) |
Samo še en obrat / Just Another Turn Around (2009, Director of Photography) |
Neizstreljeni naboj (2011, Director of Photography) |
Duhec / Little Ghost (2012, Director of Photography) |
Anina provizija / Ana's Commission (2016, Director of Photography) |
Mentoring Work:
Kamijondžije (2010),
Kolaž - Odboj (2010),
Ne vem še (2010),
Za zavesami (2010),
Guba (2010),
Bolha in teleskop (2010),
(Ob)viseti (2010),
Preklete podlasice / Damn those weasles (2011),
Izpit / Exam, The (2011),
Mesidž (2011),
Kdo in kaj / Who and What (2012),
Maks / Maks (2012),
Messi se je poškodoval / Messi injured (2012),
Na poti / On the Road (2012),
Zid / Wall (2012),
Vsiljivka / Intruder, The (2012),
Ivan brez življenja / John Lacklife (2013),
Kopanje / Diving In (2013),
100 točk / Top Score (2013),
Free Božidar / Free Božidar (2014),
Rejnica / Foster Mom (2014),
Zdravo! / Nazdar! (2014),
Hiša odprtih rok / House of Open Arms, The (2014),
Mladi Menendes / Diego Menendes: The Early Years (2014),
Plavanje / Swimming (2014),
Talenti / Talent Show (2014),
Tujca / Strangers (2014),
Prespana pomlad / Springtime Sleep, The (2014),
Csillag (2015),
Ognjeni fantje / Fire Boys (2015),
Alex / Alex (2015),
Smeh (2015),
Nazaj / Backwards (2015),
Riot Ana / Riot Ana (2015),
Misli / Thoughts (2016),
Šum / Interference (2016),
K.A.O.S. / C.H.A.O.S. (2016),
Vis-a-vis / Vis-a-vis (2016),
Domov k spominu / Back To The Memories (2016),
Gospod golob / Mister Pigeon (2016),
Oropana duša / Robbed Soul (2016),
Odtisi / Impressions (2016),
Zamejen / Bordered (2016),
Čevljarna / Shoemaker (2017),
Sestreljeni / Stricken, The (2017),
Anja Ganja / Anja Ganja (2017),
Ati / Dad (2017),
Prazne sobe / Empty Rooms (2017),
Kar ostane / What Remains (2017),
Še sreča! / Lucky for us! (2017),
Ples ljubezni / Dance of Love (2018),
Spran / Washed Out (2018),
Assunta / Assunta (2018),
Uvajanje / Apprenticeship (2018),
Zgodovina zapuščanja / History of Abandonment (2018),
O luni, mesecu in njunem odsevu / On the Moon, Luna, and Their Reflection (2018),
Trenutek / Moment, The (2018),
18,75 / 18.75 (2018),
Češnjevi kolački / Cherry Cupcakes (2019),
Nihče ni rekel, da te moram imeti rad / Nobody Said I Have to Love You (2019),
Alzheimer Cafe / Alzheimer Cafe (2019),
Avtoštop / Autostop (2019),
Trezi / Trezi (2019),
Čas ne zabriše spomina / Time Does Not Erase Memory (2019),
Gaganje / Gasping (2020),
Gmajna / Gmajna (2020),
Kar pozabiš, odide z vetrom / What You Forget Goes Away With the Wind (2020) |
Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives: |
A7052 - Karikature sodelavcev FTV oddelka za razstavo ob 70. letnici AGRFT (poster, Depictee) |
Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives (Mentoring): A5521 - Preklete podlasice (project documentation, Mentor),
A5754 - Kdo in kaj (project documentation, Mentor),
A5778 - Na poti (project documentation, Mentor),
A5780 - Zid (project documentation, Mentor),
A5779 - Vsiljivka (project documentation, Mentor),
A7112 - Študija umetniškega osvetljevanja za snemanje filma Anja Ganja (, Mentor),
A7271 - Raziskovanje, restavriranja, digitaliziranje in revitaliziranje filmske dediščine (, Mentor) |
Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
Walter Ruttmann (28.12.1887-15.7.1941)
Max Steiner (10.5.1888-28.12.1971)
Friederich Wilhelm Murnau (28.12.1888-11.3.1931)
Sam Peckinpah (21.2.1925-28.12.1984)
Stevo Žigon (8.12.1926-28.12.2005)
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