Uradne ure arhiva in videoteke CTF:ponedeljek, torek, sreda | 10:30-13:30 | četrtek | zaprto | petek | 10:30-13:00 |
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)
A8584 - Žival, človek, stroj (2023, fotografija)
A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, sprejemna naloga)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, sprejemna naloga)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, sprejemna naloga)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, sprejemna naloga)
Salt of the Earth, The (2014)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Nostalghia (1983)
Pina (2011)
Strategia del Ragno (1970)
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Imagine (2012)
država: Poljska, Portugalska, Francija, Velika Britanija dolžina: 105min reference: IMDb izvorni format projekta: barvni jezik: angleščina celovečerni igrani film
Vsebina (angl.): | Set in Lisbon, Portugal at an institute for the blind where children are taught to live with their disability, to not take risks, and to be comfortable at all times. Ian a non-conformist teacher who is also blind is hired at the school and introduces revolutionary methods: Rejecting the use of a cane, Ian teaches the children to achieve spatial orientation by using all of their senses including moving by the resonance of sound vibrations (echolocation), instinct, and the creative use of their imagination. Confident and even slightly over-aggressive, Ian charms the children and gives them a reason to hope, though they are always testing and questioning him to prove that he is one of them and never seem quite convinced of his sincerity. Ian's sessions take place right under the window of Eva (Alexandra Maria Lara), an adult patient who never leaves her room and does not speak to anybody. Surprisingly, she becomes one of his most responsive students and there is even a hint of romance. ... |
Enote za izposojo iz Videoteke AGRFT: |
23045 (DVD, izvirnik - ni za izposojo, angleški podnapisi)
23046 (DVD, dovoljena izposoja, angleški podnapisi)
Ideja: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. Vse pravice pridržane.
Podatki so last UL Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Vsakršna uporaba podatkov brez pisnega dovoljenja lastnikov pravic in navedbe vira je prepovedana!
Pavel Rakovec (8.1.1943-)
David Bowie (8.1.1947-10.1.2016)
Po Slovenskem gledališkem katalogu lahko iščete predstave po gledališčih ali sezonah.
Nagrajenci Grossmannove nagrade Žirija je prvo nagrado za leto 2024 in s tem odkupno nagrado v višini ...
0,03125-0,484375-0,1386719 |