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Giocondin nasmeh (1954)

The Gioconda Smile
Giocondin nasmeh - Cesar, Počkaj, Danilova, Juvan - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh - II. dej., 1. priz. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 19; sig. 1871 Giocondin nasmeh - Danilova, Cesar, Skrbinšek - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh - III. dej., 1. priz. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 18; sig. 1872 Giocondin nasmeh - Danilova, Juvan - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh - II. dej., 1. priz. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 20; sig. 1870 Giocondin nasmeh - Danilova, Skrbinšek, Juvan, Mežan - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 28; sig. 1862 Giocondin nasmeh - Danilova, Skrbinšek, Juvan, Mežan - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 27; sig. 1863 Giocondin nasmeh - Juvan, Skrbinšek, Danilova - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh - I. dej., 1. priz. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 25; sig. 1865 Giocondin nasmeh - Juvan, Skrbinšek, Danilova, Sever - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh - I. dej., 2. priz. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 23; sig. 1867 Giocondin nasmeh - Sever, Danilova, Cesar, Juvan - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh - II. dej., 1. priz. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 21; sig. 1869 Giocondin nasmeh - Sever, Danilova, Cesar, Juvan, Skrbinšek - Aldous Huxley: Giocondin nasmeh - II. dej., 1. priz. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 22. 1. 1954.
Neg.: S. LXIX, 22; sig. 1868
Country of Origin: Slovenia
References: sigledal.org
Original project format: black & white
language: Slovenian
premiere date: 22.1.1954
theatre production
season 1953/1954

Slavko Jan (Director)
Mira Neffat-Danilova (Actor, Bolničarka Braddock)
Vladimir Skrbinšek (Actor, Henry Hutton)
Vida Juvan (Actor, Janet Spence)
Ivanka Mežan (Actor, Klara)
Stane Sever (Actor, Dr. Libbard)
Janez Cesar (Actor, General Spence)
Duša Počkaj (Actor, Doris Mead)
Aldous Huxley (Playwright)
SNG Drama Ljubljana (Production Company)
Niko Matul (Set Designer)
Mile Korun (Set Designer)
Mija Jarc (Costume Designer)
Jaro Dolar (Translator)
Vlastja Simončič (Photographer)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Miroslav Krleža (7.7.1893-29.12.1981)
Andrej Tarkovski (4.4.1932-29.12.1986)
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