Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:Monday | 10am-1pm | Wednesday | 10am-1pm |
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)
A8584 - Žival, človek, stroj (2023, photograph)
A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, entrance exam paper)
Salt of the Earth, The (2014)
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925)
Pina (2011)
Nostalghia (1983)
Blue Velvet (1986)
| |
Olympia 1. Teil - Fest der Völker (1938)
Olimpija 1. del - Praznik narodov Country of Origin: Germany Length: 121min References: IMDb Original project format: 35mm, 1,37:1, black & white, comopt, mono language: German documentary
Summary: | After being commissioned by the 1936 Olympic Committee to create a feature film of the Berlin Olympics, Riefenstahl shot a documentary that celebrates the human body by combining the poetry of bodies in motion with close-ups of athletes in the heat of competition. Includes the marathon, men's diving, and American track star Jesse Owen's sprint races at the 1936 Olympic games. The production tends to glorify the young male body and, some say, expresses the Nazi attitude toward athletic prowess. Includes the lighting of the torch at the stadium and Adolf Hitler looking on in amazement as Jesse Owens wins an unprecedented four Gold Medals. (IMDb, 7. 5. 2015) |
Opombe: | Olimpijada leta 1936 v Berlinu. |
Videotapes and DVDs available at Videoteka AGRFT: |
643 (VHS, available)
4173 (VHS, available)
4525 (VHS, available)
5200 (DVD, professors only)
11174 (DVD, original - not available)
11177 (DVD, available)
11179 (DVD, available)
Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
Carol Reed (30.12.1906-25.4.1976)
Heiner Mueller (9.1.1929-30.12.1995)
Gregor Vesel (30.12.1967-)
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